Saturday, September 27, 2008

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

Michael Harvey discusses how people with disabilities can access products through the use of assistive technology.

Usability for Everyone

By Michael Harvey, Associate Fellow

Both technical communicators and usability professionals share an interest in how easily someone can use technical information. How efficiently does the writer help the reader glean the meaning of technical text? Is the experience of acquiring information satisfying or difficult?

Much of our usability discussion and research still focuses on those who have no functional impediments. But what about those who do? What about the software engineer with impaired vision? What about the IT professional who cannot hear, or the technical writer with limited range of hand motion? How do we best serve someone with dyslexia?

Addressing these questions is the domain of the field of accessibility, which studies the degree to which a product is usable by as many individuals as possible. A primary focus of accessibility is on persons with disabilities and how they access products through the use of assistive technology.( ) This technology enables them to perform tasks that they were unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing alternative methods of interacting with products.

While some individuals are born with disabilities, nearly all of us face the possibility of reduced function as we become older. Vision degrades as we age. Our dexterity diminishes, and our hearing fades. Many of us probably have already increased the default font size on our browsers or have switched to more ergonomically satisfying keyboards. We might have adjusted filter keys to compensate for slight hand tremors. Perhaps we have cranked up the volume for e-mail alerts. At some point, we may want to stop typing altogether and use speech recognition software exclusively. Thus, accessibility might become more than simply an academic subject for all of us-it will become a practical imperative. As the number of elderly people grows over the next several years, the accessibility of technical information to that population will become a more critical factor in its design and creation.

What is another compelling reason for us to study accessibility? The U.S. government mandates that all Federal agencies make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. These requirements are defined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, with the intention of eliminating barriers to using electronic and information technology, and encouraging development of technologies that will help achieve that goal. Moreover, conformance to Section 508 guidelines is an increasingly heavy weighting factor in Federal procurements from vendors. Information technology includes computers, software, firmware and similar procedures, services, and related resources. Electronic technology includes telecommunication equipment, information kiosks and transaction machines, Web sites, multimedia, and office equipment.( Not only the information technology itself, but also the technical support and technical documentation, must be accessible. If you provide information or electronic services to Federal agencies, you must respond to Section 508.

Federal agencies that acquire electronic and information technology use a tool called the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) to help them access how well Section 508 guidelines are met. The VPAT is essentially a checklist that spells out relevant accessibility criteria and asks companies to describe product features that support the criteria-and any deficiencies-and to provide supporting remarks.

There are eight distinct VPATs that correspond to the functional capabilities of specific technologies:

* Software Applications and Operating Systems - covers alternative access to applications, such as screen magnifiers for those with impaired vision and alternative keyboard navigation for those who cannot rely on pointing devices, such as a mouse.
* Web-based Internet Information and Applications - covers guidelines based in part on checkpoints and techniques developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium.( )
* Telecommunications Products - covers access to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
* Video and Multimedia Products - focuses on accessible alternative representations. For example, audible content is translatable into text and presented as closed-captioning. Audio description of important video content is provided through the secondary audio programming (SAP) channel within a standard analog video broadcast signal.
* Self-Contained Closed Products - are expected to provide accessibility as standalone units, without the support of external assistive technology.
* Desktop and Portable Computers - focuses on keyboards and other mechanically operated controls, touch screens, use of biometric form of identification, and ports and connectors.
* Functional Performance Criteria - concerns general accessibility criteria; one criterion may be, say, "Is at least one mode of operation and information retrieval provided that does not require user vision?"
* Information, Documentation, and Support - covers user guides, installation guides for end-user installable devices, and customer support and technical support communications. Such information is to be available in alternative formats, such as Braille, large print, or cassette recordings, upon request at no additional charge.

Addressing accessibility issues has a practical effect on what we produce. These days, many technical documents include a section about accessibility in their introduction. If you are familiar with the structure of the VPAT and have access to your product's VPAT, you will have an easier time writing this section for your document. Also, as we design compelling graphics to communicate complex technical points, we also must author text alternatives for the visually impaired. As we work with usability specialists to make interfaces more intuitive, we can act as accessibility advocates.

What should technical communicators do to become more knowledgeable about accessibility? Find out whether your company employs accessibility analysts, and then talk to them. Research the topic on the Web and through groups like the Society for Technical Communication Usability and User Experience (UUX) and AccessAbility special interest groups. Attend relevant workshops. Understanding accessibility can help you create technical communication that is effective for everyone and will increase your value to employers

As technical communicators, we put the needs of our audience first. Enlarging our audience is of benefit to them and to us. Caring about the changing needs of our audience as it ages is sensible. Learning about the area of accessibility is empathetically smart and personally practical.

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

Meghashri Dalvi has several good tips on how online help should be designed.

Evaluating Online Help

By Meghashri Dalvi

With increasing frequency, products are released with online help, but without printed documentation. This places a large burden on online help to deliver high-quality, compact content that is extremely easy to use.

Online help excels in providing quick access to concise information - but only when the users choose to access it. Delivering high-quality online help that satisfies all users is a hard task. Several good help authoring tools make help generation and maintenance easier, but to create good content that is highly effective is still a huge challenge.

Experience shows that even after following quality guidelines or best practices, the final output may still not be good enough to satisfy the needs of your users. Heuristic evaluation of an online help system provides an initial assessment of both quality and usability. This article presents a summary of key points for evaluating online help, though you will likely want to expand the heuristics with company or product-centric metrics suitable to your application.

The evaluation focuses on two main areas:

* Usability
* Content

Each perspective covers several key points serving as guidelines to achieve best results. Each key point contains simple checklist statements that can be answered yes or no.


The definition of usability in the ISO 9241 standard is:
"The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use."

Whitney Quesenbery advocates looking the usability requirements for different aspects of the user experience. For each of the five dimensions of usability (the 5Es), we think about how it is reflected in requirements for each of the user groups. The 5Es are:

* Effective
* Efficient
* Engaging
* Error Tolerant
* Easy to Learn

The evaluation criterion is organized into these five characteristics.
Characteristics Definition

1. The help label / icon is clear and prominent from all screens.
2. Help is available for all screens for which users may need assistance or a more detailed explanation.
3. Help is not provided for screens that are self-explanatory.
4. Clear directions for exiting the help are available ("Close this window" button, or "Close X").
5. Both help and the application window can be viewed simultaneously.
6. The help window can be resized.
7. The focus is on user tasks.


8. Identification of, and navigation to, the required topic is easy (context-sensitive help / clear TOC / support for keyword search)
9. Navigation from one topic to other topics is available (mostly through the TOC, breadcrumb trails, and "see also" links).
10. The help pages indicate where you are in the help system (through breadcrumb trails or highlighting the current topic in the TOC).
11. The direction of navigation (to the next task / next topic / next level) is clearly indicated.
12. A keyword index is available.


13. Layout is clear and aesthetically pleasing.
14. The help system is visually appealing and motivating to use.
15. Intuitive navigation is supported.
16. Graphics and multimedia elements are provided (but only as required).
17. The help system can be somewhat customized.


18. The help system displays warnings / errors in usage (for example, possible keyword spelling corrections in keyword search).
19. The user is prompted to go to the next logical step / level.
20. A troubleshooting help system is available.

Easy to learn

18. The help system includes instructions on its use.
19. The help system layout, theme, and icon usage are consistent with the application.
20. Help is divided into levels according to user levels.
21. Additional or background information is provided through links.
22. The user is motivated to learn the help system and use it often.

If you answer "Yes" for more than 20 of these points, the help system usability is high. However, if the score falls below 10, then consider further assessment of the help system.


Good content should always meet the six criteria of communication:

* Complete
* Clear
* Correct
* Concise
* Contextual
* Consistent

The content evaluation criteria are organized divided into these six characteristics.
Characteristics Definition

1. The help system covers all functions and features, with illustrations and examples as required.
2. All routine tasks / procedures are described step-by-step.
3. Reasons are provided for a particular step, format, or restriction.
4. The help includes a glossary of terminology.
5. Background information / domain notes / usage guideline / best practices are provided.
6. The help provides common workflows.
7. The help indicates navigation to the next task (through procedure sequence or "see also" links).
8. Instructions about how to use the help are included.
9. The help includes basic troubleshooting information for the application.
10. The help provides contact information for further information (such as help desk number or support site link).


11. The help provides unambiguous in instructions and descriptions.
12. Plain language is used.
13. The help uses short sentences.
14. The help avoids unnecessary wordiness.
15. The language used is suitable to the audience.


16. The information provided is factually correct for the objective and purpose of the application.
17. Platform support, available features, memory usage, and the like are accurate for the referred version / release / module / part number.
18. The help menu structure is logically aligned to the typical workflow / procedure sequence.
19. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct.
20. Language and structure are sensitive towards gender and culture.
21. The content complies with required industry standards.


22. Content is short and precise, with each help topic preferably limited to one non-scrolling page.
23. Long procedures are broken down to smaller sub-procedures.
24. Descriptive lead-ins are typically limited to one small paragraph.
25. Where appropriate, bulleted lists, numbered lists, tables and graphics are substituted for lengthy descriptive text.
26. Information is layered - basic information is immediately available with optional links to additional information.


27. Each help topic has an appropriate title describing its content.
28. The context of a particular task / procedure is explained, with a specific reason (if applicable).
29. Examples / cases / demonstrations are included.
30. Help is divided into levels according to user experience levels.


31. The terminology and word usage (including action verbs) is consistent across the entire help system.
32. The terminology, menu options, field labels, and action button labels are consistent with the application.
33. The terminology, word usage (including action verbs), and usage of the help system are consistent with other applications from the same suite / group of applications.
34. The terminology, word usage (including action verbs), and usage of the help system are consistent with internal company guidelines.
35. The terminology, word usage, and usage of the help system are consistent with industry standards.

If you answer "Yes" for more than 30 of these points, your content exceeds expectations. However, if the Yes answers are fewer than 20, then you should perform a thorough assessment of the help and make improvements to it.

Quesenbery, Whitney, Using the 5Es to Understand Users,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

Below are Carol Barnum's suggestions on how many users it takes for a (web) usability test.

5 starter questions:

What is your testing goal? (You need to know this first to answer the other questions)
How many users do you need to reach your goal?
How do you define your users?
What’s the basis for small numbers? How small is OK?
The numbers controversy: Do small numbers work for web usability testing?


Testing goals:

To find problems with the product
To eliminate problems with the product
To improve user satisfaction
To determine if you made the right assumption about user tasks
To help developers understand the user experience
To learn from prototypes
To determine the level of proficiency (e.g. time on task)
To understand the Learnability of the product
To determine quantitative issues
Numbers needed to reach goals:

For summative (product completion testing, where statistical validity is needed) Need 25 to 30 or more users
For exploratory testing, can use Nielsen model of 4 to 5 users (even as small as 3 users)
Numbers depend on the kinds of users (users must match in experience, knowledge)
Must select specific subset of user population; must use scenario-based tasks; for diagnostic purposes; part of iterative process
Controversy--Why web testing may be different:

Jared Spool tested ecommerce sites
Users given money with goal to find something to buy (open ended task)
Rolf Molich directed comparative usability evaluation of Hotmail
9 different labs set up different goals and users
Both studies showed that it takes many more users than 5
Question: can you test websites with small number of users?
Answer: Yes, when you
Use scenarios
Screen users to match specific subset of user population
Question: how do you know what’s generalizable?
Answer: When the following conditions are in place:
Random sample with small numbers
Common skill sets of users (e.g. level of domain knowledge)
Same motivation from users (desire to reach task goals)
Data may not be generalizable—not applicable to any user
However, findings for different tasks can point up the same problem
Issue may be information architecture
What types of users to recruit?

It depends on business goals.
If numbers are very small, try not to mix the users.
Better to go for one end or the other on the continuum; avoid the middle.
"Most people" is not a good description of the user.
Should you separate the documentation from the product?
Test documentation by itself
Test product without document to see where users need it
What to do with one user’s findings (outlier data)
Examine the issue for severity
Study the screener for particulars about this user
Ask yourself: can you envision other users having this problem?
Have you seen this in other studies?
What is the importance of this user (validity—a big customer)?
How to validate the findings with small numbers

Talk to tech support
Talk to training
Talk to sales/marketing support (but be cautious, because they may not be talking to users)
Know what the product is supposed to do
Know what the product can deliver
Reporting results

Capture the "eureka" moment
Shun percentages when sample size is small (say, instead, "several" users or "three out of five" users)
Create a matrix of tasks
Indicate success/failure
Questions asked
Sample comments
Errors and severity (recovery from errors should also be noted)
Distinguish confidence levels in findings
Descriptive information is also useful (e.g. user confusion)

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

Below are some design quotes that I found amusing and helpful.

Designers on Design

A designer knows that he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away - Antoine de St-Expurey

The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring. ­ Paul Rand (Design, Form, and Chaos)

We are searching for some kind of harmony between two intangibles: a form which we have not yet designed and a context which we cannot properly describe. - Christopher Alexander's Notes On The Synthesis Of Form concerning the design process...

Form follows function-that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union. - Frank Lloyd Wright

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. - Winston Churchill

When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I think only how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. - R. Buckminster Fuller

Questions about whether design is necessary or affordable are quite beside the point: design is inevitable. The alternative to good design is bad design, not no design at all. Everyone makes design decisions all the time without realizing it­like Moliere's M. Jourdain who discovered he had been speaking prose all his life­and good design is simply the result of making these decisions consciously, at the right stage, and in consultation with others as the need arise - Douglas Martin (Book Design)

The details are not the details. They make the design. - Charles Eames

The lyf so sort, the craft so long to lerne. - Geoffrey Chaucer

To err is human, to forgive design. - Andrew Dillon

You can design for all of the people some of the time. You can design for some of the people all of the time. But you can't design for all of the people all of the time. - William Hudson with apologies to Abraham Lincoln

You can't get the experience of a good steak dinner through a nipple - you have to create a totally different, yet compelling experience. - Jon Meads

You need to "listen deeply" - listen past what people say they want to hear what they need. - Jon Meads

It's better to design the user experience than rectify it. It's the difference between a cathedral and the Winchester House. - Jon Meads

If there's a 'trick' to it, the UI is broken. - Douglas Anderson

Things that look different should act different
Things that look the same should act the same. - Larry Marine

Design without the ego.

In theory, theory and practice are the same,
but in practice, they're not."If I can see it, it's a failure" - Bill Buxton

"We will go into your houses and redesign them the same way your web sites are designed. The basement will be the first thing you see, the kitchen will be unreachable except through the bedroom and both bathrooms, the bedroom will be on six different floors, and the dog will be in every room at once." - Ann Feeny, Information Architect's Manifesto

Discovery and Invention'll never have all the information you need to make a decision. If you did, it would be a foregone conclusion, not a decision - David Mahoney

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled. - Richard Feynman

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. - Thomas Edison

I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy. - Richard Feynman

Just because it isn't done doesn't mean it can't be done. Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be - Barry Glasford

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it it himself - A. H. Weiler

People's behavior makes sense if you think about it in terms of their goals, needs, and motives. - Thomas Mann

Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it. - Robert A. Heinlein

Rigorous reasoning from inapplicable assumptions yields the world's most durable nonsense.

For every piece of durable nonsense, there is an irrelevant frame of reference in which it makes perfect sense.

"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true. " - Robert Wilensky

Simplicity, Consistency and Other Hobgoblins

Complexity is the Problem; Ease of Use is the Solution; Productivity is the Impact - an executive of a large computer firm, (quoted in Kelley, John Falk, "Natural Language and computers: six empirical steps for writing an easy-to-use computer application", University Microfilms International #8321592, 1983)

For every problem, there is one solution which is simple, neat and wrong. - H. L. Mencken

Don't make me think - Steve Krug

Easy is Hard - Peter Lewis, NY Times

Every time we get it idiot-proofed, Ma Nature produces cleverer idiots. - Robin Kinkead

I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Make it as simple as possible. But no simpler. - Albert Einstein

The best journey is the one with the fewest steps. Shorten the distance between the user and their goal. -

The main thing is that everything become simple, easy enough for a child to understand; that each act be ordered, that good and evil be decided arbitrarily, thus clearly. - Albert Camus

There are two ways of constructing a software design: one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult. - C.A.R. Hoare

It's easy to make things difficult, but it's difficult to make things easy.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago. - Bernard Berenson

Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly - Dali Lama


Know thy user, and YOU are not thy user.

If the user can't use it, it doesn't work. - Susan Dray

If something is hard to use, I just don't use it as much. - Melanie Sokol, quoted in Steve Krug's " Don't Make Me Think"

Those who cannot tell what they desire or expect, still sigh and struggle with indefinite thoughts and vast wishes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We see what we look for, not what we look at - Ulrich Neisser (paraphrase) attention to what users do, not what they say. - Jakob Nielsen

...This is so simple a five-year-old child could understand it. "Quick, run out and bring me a five-year-old child." - Groucho Marx

Users don't know what they want, and users can't always say what they know.

It is impossible to design anything that is foolproof because fools are so ingenious

To err is human, to admit having erred is not human.

If I made an error, at least let me finish my thought before I have to fix it.

If the user can't find it, it doesn't exist - HFI button

Even experts are novices at some point.

The user is NOT a lower life form - Ken Becker

Whadya mean, they're not all computer scientists?

Communication and Design

A picture is worth a thousand words and that's the problem!

A picture is worth a thousand words, but it will take longer to download

A picture is worth a thousand words, unless of course, you're talking about a picture of a thousand words.

For any given thousand words, it's hard to come up with a picture - Yuri Englehart

It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. - H.W. Longfellow

There is no urge so great as for one man to edit another man's work - Mark Twain

When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt - Henry J. Kaiser

What you do speaks so clearly that I don't have to hear what you say. - Chuck Knox (Seattle Seahawk Coachs)

Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect. - Benny Hill

There's a limit to the usability problems you can document your way out of. Things beyond that are training problems.

If you can't describe it simply, you can't use it easily.

If it's very difficult to write about then it probably doesn't have quality usability.

No you can't just explain it in the manual.


If you don't care about quality, you can meet any other requirement - Gerald M. Weinberg, "The Zeroth Law of Software Engineering"

You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer on the construction site. - Frank Lloyd Wright

No shortcuts today; I'm in a hurry. - Swiss saying

Planning is essential, but plans are useless - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Interface Design: "Design first and code later."
Carpenter: "Measure twice and cut once." -

Designing to Requirements and Walking on Water are Easy if Both are Frozen. -

If you can't afford the time to do it right, how are you going to find the time to fix it up?

Rigorous reasoning from inapplicable assumptions yields the world's most durable nonsense. -

The chief cause of problems is solutions. - Eric Severeid

The only thing more expensive than hiring a professional, is hiring an amateur. - Red Adair

The sooner you start to code, the longer the program will take. - Roy Carlson

Rules are made for people we don't like.
New rules are made for people we REALLY don't like.
Brand new rules are for you.Poor usability is often the result of a thousand cuts. - Greg Hoskins

Usability testing is the killing field of cherished notions. - David Orr

Technology and Computers

If the automobile had followed the same development as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year killing everyone inside. - Robert Cringely, InfoWorld

it is a far better to adapt the technology to the user than to force the user to adapt to the technology - Larry Marine

The fault is not in thyself, but in thy system.

To err is human, to really foul things up you need a computer - Paul Ehrlich

Coding is long. Design is short. Paper is cheap.

No system is so foolproof that it can't be brought to its knees by a well-intentioned novice.

The joy of an early release lasts but a short time. The bitterness of an unusable system lasts for years.

Cute is not a good adjective for systems.

The effects of technological stress are communicated through emotion exactly because the source of the problem is not technical but cognitive... - Frank Spillers

Words to Live By

Since our problems have been our own creation, they also can be overcome. - George Harrison

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein

All the good ideas never lie under one hat - Dale Turner

We know very little, and most of what we know is wrong. - George Casaday

Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up. - G.K. Chesterton

Eighty percent of success is showing up - Woody Allen

For every piece of durable nonsense, there is an irrelevant frame of reference in which it makes perfect sense.

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosby

If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.

Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.

Never attribute to malice what incompetence will explain.

Sometimes you just need a bigger hammer. - G Casaday Sr

Supposing is good, but finding out is better. - Samuel Clemens

There is no free lunch. But sometimes if you eat a good breakfast, you won't need to spend as much money on lunch. - Cameron Hayne, CRIM, on cost justifying usability testing.

Truce is better than friction - Charles Herguth

You can learn at least one principal of user interface design by loading a dishwasher. If you crowd a lot in there, nothing gets very clean.

You can't prevent people from putting beans in their noses. But you shouldn't stuff beans in their noses. - Stan Schwartz

It's a jungle. Be careful out there.

Common sense is an uncommon commodity.

Everything in its place, and a place for everything.

The Business of Usability

What does management think it wants? Ok, now how do we show them they're wrong? What does marketing think it wants? Ok, now how do we show them they're wrong?

I love my job ... Nobody should make money certifying me - Danish usability professional

If you tell me just ONCE more that 'we aren't testing you, we're testing the application', I'll SCREAM!

We have our mouths full of users, but our practice is full of ourselves. - Marijke Rijsberman

If we build it, they will complain. - John (JR) Morris

To every action there is an equal and opposite criticism

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

The Usability and User Experience Community is a community of practice within the Society for Technical Communication. It has over 1800 members from around the world. Its forum is used to promote the practice of usability. Members vary from those just starting to incorporate usability techniques into their work to those for whom it is the primary focus of its work.

This portion of the website is dedicated to professional ethics in usability.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

This is an article by John Canny on the future of HCI. John Canny is a Professor of Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. His research is in human-computer interaction, with an emphasis on behavior modeling and privacy.

Personal computing launched with the IBM PC. But popular computing - computing for the masses - launched with the modern WIMP (windows, icons, mouse, pointer) interface, which made computers usable by ordinary people. As popular computing has grown, the role of HCI (human-computer interaction) has increased. Most software today is interactive, and code related to the interface is more than half of all code. HCI also has a key role in application design. In a consumer market, a product's success depends on each user's experience with it. Unfortunately, great engineering on the back end will be undone by a poor interface, and a good UI can carry a product in spite of weaknesses inside.

More importantly, however, it's not a good idea to separate "the interface" from the rest of the product, since the customer sees the product as one system. Designing "from the interface in" is the state of the art today. So HCI has expanded to encompass "user-centered design," which includes everything from needs analysis, concept development, prototyping, and design evolution to support and field evaluation after the product ships. That's not to say that HCI swallows up all of software engineering. But the methods of user-centered design - contextual inquiry, ethnography, qualitative and quantitative evaluation of user behavior - are quite different from those for the rest of computer engineering. So it's important to have someone with those skills involved in all phases of a product's development.

In spite of their unfamiliar content and methods, HCI courses are strongly in demand in university programs and should be part of the core curriculum. At a recent industry advisory board meeting for U.C. Berkeley's computer science division, HCI was unanimously cited as the most important priority for future research and teaching by our industry experts. Ease of use remains a barrier to growth and success in IT even in today's business markets. And it is surely the major challenge for emerging markets such as smart phones, home media appliances, medical devices, and automotive interfaces.

Before we explore the future of HCI, it's important to review some key lessons from the past. Many core ideas in HCI trace back to Vannevar Bush's "memex" paper ("As We May Think," Atlantic Monthly, July 1945), J. C. R. Licklider's vision of networked IT as DARPA director in the 1960s, and Douglas Engelbart's amazing NLS (online system) demonstration at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco in December 1968. While acknowledging these pioneers, we're going to jump straight to the "modern era" of HCI, which led directly to popular computing. The incubator for this was, not surprisingly, Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center).
The Past

In 1970, Alan Kay arrived at the just-formed Xerox PARC inspired by his vision of a laptop computer for ordinary users. Back then, the personal computer was a dream shared by a few wild souls. There were a handful of minicomputers (e.g., the PDP11 appeared in 1970), but those machines were for engineers and scientists, of course. Kay and other PARC engineers (including Butler Lampson and Chuck Thacker) started developing computers with the extraordinary idea of giving them to ordinary people. Kay was also working on Smalltalk (a language for kids), leading to Smalltalk-72 soon after. His laptop-style Dynabook was infeasible in the 1970s, but the group did produce the Xerox Alto desktop computer in 1973. The Alto had a mouse, Ethernet, and an overlapping window display. It was a technical marvel, but not necessarily easy to use. There was mouse functionality, but it was mostly a "text-oriented" machine. It also lacked a killer app (lesson 1). While the Alto was developed for ordinary users, it was not clear at the time what that market really looked like (lesson 2). Most Altos appear to have been sold or given away to engineering labs.

In 1976 Don Massaro from Xerox's office products division pushed ahead a personal computer concept for office environments called the Star. A separate development division was created for the Star and headed by David Liddle. It worked closely with PARC, but was not part of PARC. The Star is rightfully cited as the first "modern" WIMP computer. It's impossible to look at screenshots, or to actually use a machine (which I was able to do at a retrospective event at Interval Research) without being struck by how good it is compared with what came after. Liddle quipped that Star was "a huge improvement over its successors." It's not just its execution of the WIMP interface and desktop metaphor, but its remarkably clean and consistent "object-orientedness" - right-button menus, controls, and embeddable objects today are a rather clumsy echo of Star's design.

The most remarkable aspect of Star, however, is the process its designers used to develop it, which has been widely imitated and which made good interface design a reproducible process. Liddle's first step was to review existing development processes with the help of PARC researchers and produce a best-practices document that Star would follow. It included task analysis, scenario development, rapid prototyping, and users' conceptual models. Much of the design evolution happened before any code was written. Code development itself consisted of many small steps with frequent user testing. It was a textbook example (and it's in Terry Winograd's 1996 landmark textbook, Bringing Design to Software) of user-centered design.

Even the Alto had followed a much more classical design process. It was enough to put the Alto in the right ballpark, but that machine feels like it's from a completely different era. The Star knew what it was trying to be, and included a good suite of office software. For reasons that almost surely had nothing to do with its interface or application design, it failed in the marketplace. Its close reincarnation in the Macintosh was a huge success. So (lesson 3) good mass-market design requires a user-centered design process. And it often involves real social scientists or usability experts, as well as engineers.

The Star design was so good that HCI researchers are regularly the brunt of "Star backlash." It goes something like this: "HCI hasn't produced major innovations in the last 20 years; the WIMP interface today is almost identical to what it was in the 1980s." In many of the "technical arts," that would be a compliment. In computing, we have 20-year-old artifacts in museums and call them "dinosaurs." But it's wrong to apply that thinking to HCI. Humans are the key element in human-computer interaction. As a species, people don't evolve that fast, and we often take years to learn things well. We have interface conventions in automobiles as well (clockwise means turn right, you drive on the right, and so will I). It's just not good to "innovate" with those. For the time being, we can't "reflash" people with an upgrade, so let's not go there. The amazing thing is (lesson 4), when you execute the human-centered design process well (in a real usage context, as the Star designers did), you get a design that endures for decades. Multiple generations can learn it and become computer-empowered without worrying about losing that skill later.

For the same reason, when you design something new, it's much better to copy every well-known convention you can find than to make up a new one. As Picasso said, "Good artists borrow from the work of others, great artists steal." So (lesson 5) good HCI design is evolutionary rather than revolutionary.

Finally, there is an overall lesson (number 6) to take away from these two systems. The modern popular computer required two kinds of innovation: free-wheeling, vision-driven engineering, often technology-centered but ideally informed by high-level principles of human behavior (Alto); and careful, context-driven, human-centered, design evolution (Star). That's a critical point. You need truly creative design and engineering to conceive and execute a radically new idea, but innovation also requires validation. In HCI, validation means that it works well with real users. For that to happen, human-centered design evolution must happen. Innovation in the product is a nice virtue, but it's an option in terms of marketability. Usability is not.
The Present

It sounds like everything is apples so far. User-centered design works well, we have good office information systems, HCI is a solid discipline (if unexciting because we still like those breakthroughs every few years). So why write an article on the future of HCI, and more to the point, why should you read it? The beef is that IT is not just about office work any more. It's going everywhere (yes, you've heard that, but this time it really is). Because of that, we're due for another revolution (in fact, probably several) in HCI over the next few years.

Let's start with PCs. Where are they now? Intel recently reorganized itself to align with the major market sectors for Intel PCs today. Those sectors are office, home, medical, and mobile. That's a lot of PCs in new places, and they're almost all running a Star-style WIMP interface.

What about cellphones? Global cellphone sales are now running at 800 million units per year, about four times the annual sales of PCs (or television sets). Recent years have seen 100 percent annual growth in overall phone sales, and close to 200 percent for smart phones. Sales are nearing saturation in developed countries, but still accelerating in the Third World, which dominates now. Smart-phone sales are about 15 percent of the market now (around 100 million units), but with their faster growth should outnumber PCs by 2008. Smart phones today are about as powerful as a midrange PC from eight years ago, but they waste the latter in media performance. Although only a tiny amount of smart-phone software is around now, it is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the industry. Unfortunately, if you've tried interacting with a nontrivial smart-phone application, you'll know what an ordeal it can be. There has been a brave effort to evolve it from its WIMP interface roots, but it just feels wrong - like a shark in a shopping mall.

A small army of gadgets are fighting for dominance in your living room. If you have a state-of-the-art cable box (which will also record 40 hours of hi-def TV), you know it has all the hardware (but not the software - yet) to connect to any conceivable media device. It has an always-on Internet connection and automatic software upgrades that give it a powerful marketing edge. You'll always get cool new services whether you ask for them or not. Microsoft and Apple have PC-like entries for this market, some high-end TVs include all this in the box, and then of course there are game boxes that pack most of those functions along with super-high-end graphics. I've made myself a guinea pig for this stuff, but it's really a pain to use. The wireless keyboards, cornucopia of remote controls, on-screen letter-of-the-alphabet menus - it's like those early "horseless carriage" steam automobiles that had reins. Once again, something feels really wrong.

The story is similar for the other new markets for IT: medical, automotive, etc. In all cases, we're adapting designs that were beautifully optimized for the office to a completely different environment. If the past is any lesson, that isn't going to work.
The Future: Context-Awareness

What will work in these new domains? The race is certainly not over, but there are some very good bets. Let's start with the cellphone. It has a tiny screen with tiny awkward buttons and no mouse. From start to finish, it was designed for speech. The microphone and speaker are small but highly evolved, and the mic placement in its normal position is optimal for speech recognition. We'll get to speech interfaces shortly. If it's a smart phone, it probably also has a camera and a Bluetooth radio. It has some kind of position information, ranging from coarse cell tower to highly accurate assisted satellite GPS.

This is all "context" information, in contrast to the "text" you might type on the keyboard or see on the screen. Normally, WIMP interfaces rely entirely on the text you type (let's include mouse input) to figure out what to do. Context-aware interfaces use everything they can. This is particularly relevant to mobile phones. When you're using a phone, you're either in some "place" (café, restaurant, store) where you do rather specific activities, or you're moving between places. If the phone can figure out what that place is, it can also provide services that you want there, or that complement services that that place provides (e.g., song previews in a music store, comparison pricing in a supermarket, stats or replays at a baseball game). When you're between places, the phone can use other pieces of context to figure out what services to offer, or it can wait for you to ask.

Let's work through a concrete example: It's 7 p.m., it's raining, and you're walking in San Francisco (you're from out of town). You open your phone and it displays three buttons labeled "Dinner?", "Taxi?", and "Rapid transit?". Selecting "Dinner?" will present restaurants you're apt to like (using collaborative filtering) and even dishes that you may want. The other options leverage the fact that the phone "knows" that you aren't driving and that it's raining. It also selects "Rapid transit?" (using that name rather than BART as locals know it, since you're not local), rather than bus or tram options since it knows your destination and/or because BART is easier to figure out for out-of-towners than the MUNI bus and tram system. The system's "smarts" are built on knowledge of other users' behavior, knowledge of your own behavior history and preferences, and the immediate context, which includes time, place, weather, Bluetooth neighborhood, etc. These three pieces represent the three fundamental facets of context that we use in all our work: immediate context; activity context, which is about the history of the particular user and a few others (because many activities are cooperative); and situational context, which is about how other actors typically behave in that situation.

Context-awareness is a dream for marketers. Imagine this: Instead of the user initiating the request for "Dinner?", the phone beeps and presents a message, "Aqua restaurant (a leading San Francisco seafood restaurant) is two blocks away and has a special on salmon-in-parchment for $20." Now, I'm a very rational person, but I also have a weakness for the pink fish, and when I'm tired and wet and I see that, it really doesn't matter what the other options are. That is an example of a proactive service, which if executed right, should be a boon to both consumers and advertisers. Before you raise the specter of a Minority Report-style advertising assault, I should tell you that I don't expect to let just anyone send that kind of message to my phone. I'm going to charge a lot for that (probably in whole dollars), so an advertiser had better be very sure of a conversion before trying it. If so, then I am likely to use that service at that time, and then it's very useful to me. If Aqua restaurant beacons this message to a few seafood-loving out-of-towners in the neighborhood that night and gets two or three conversions, then the restaurant will be ahead. If I get a half-dozen of those in an evening and one of them gives me a good service, then I feel like I've won. If none of them works out, well then at least I've earned my BART (rapid transit) fare home, and some change.

The technical challenges with making this work well are arbitrarily deep, and many of them do not fall within traditional HCI. They span a large fraction of the scope of Web 2.0 business: rich user history; highly personalized, coupled services; carefully targeted marketing; and social and individual services. It's also absolutely essential to build these systems on a deep understanding of users' behavior, their needs and wants, and the contexts where those services are used, which is where HCI methods come in. It also taps deeply into AI (for user and social modeling and prediction); systems engineering (building and deploying the services); psychology, economics, and other social sciences (for understanding rational and nonrational user behavior); and a very broad notion of security (attacks include "bleeding" advertiser revenue using robots). These challenges are going to engage developers and researchers for decades to come. Since targeted marketing is the source that feeds Web 2.0 companies, improvements here are felt directly (and quickly) on the bottom line. Since there seems to be an arbitrarily deep well for improvements, this is where Web 2.0 companies are going to be putting their attention and resources for a long time.
The Future: Perceptual Interfaces

The other important piece of future interfaces should be "perception." The simplest example is speech recognition, or more accurately, speech-based interfaces. Another example is computer vision. Smart phones are excellent speech platforms, as already noted, but most also have cameras and a respectable amount of CPU power, especially in their digital signal processors. They are more than capable of computer vision using either still images or video from their cameras. A simple example is barcode recognition, which is already available on some camera phones (both 2D and 1D barcode readers have appeared on commercial phones). OCR (optical character recognition) for business-card recognition is also available commercially. Another example is TinyMotion, a phone software application that my lab has developed, which uses the video from a camera phone to compute the phone's motion relative to a background - just as an optical mouse does. This creates a software-only general-purpose 2D mouse for camera phones. TinyMotion is very useful for map browsing (which is why we developed it) in location-based cellphone services. It turned out also to be a nice interface for smart-phone games, which is probably a bigger market than its target.
Computer vision has a big role to play in managing personal media assets, and this reaches into the home, as well as the mobile market.

These niche applications for vision on phones are suggestive, but perhaps not really convincing of the economic value of computer vision for phones. Let's look for a moment at "social media," personal data such as photos and videos that are shared with friends and family. As argued before, the phone is a communicating and social platform, and photo sharing is likely to be one of the most popular uses of multimedia on the phone. With collaborators at Berkeley and in industry, we explored face recognition from camera-phone images. The application is precisely photo-sharing and archival. The user will likely want to share a photo with the people who are in the photo and would like meta-data about who is in the photo so he or she can find it later when looking for specific people. Our results were interesting because we found not only was it possible to recognize subjects reasonably well using computer vision, but also that the recognition accuracy improved significantly when context data was used, as well as computer vision. While our system actually did its recognition on a PC rather than on the phone, we realized that the same state-of-the-art PC algorithms could easily have run on the smart phones we had used. Computer vision has a big role to play in managing personal media assets, and this reaches into the home, as well as the mobile market.

Turning to ASR (automatic speech recognition) and VUIs (voice user interfaces), we saw a boom in these industries in 2000, followed by a contraction for several years. But 2000 was also the era of wild promises and unrealistic expectations. What should have happened with speech? First of all, when PCs were mostly in offices, VUIs didn't make much sense. Nothing wrong with the technology, but speech is a poor match for most office work. Let's not forget the significant advantages of text for routine business communication: You can scan text for what you want, you can read back and forth if you don't understand, you can edit text while you're writing it to make sure you say exactly what you mean, and you can forward text through a long chain of readers without losing its meaning. Written text is generally less ambiguous than spoken language that expresses the same meaning - we're not really aware of this, but we're trained from an early age to take more care with text. Furthermore, you can work on text documents without your neighbors listening in. Much knowledge work is about managing structured or semi-structured information (even before computers came along). Most organizations relied on paper to store and move this information around with precision and robustness (again before computers). Speech technology can certainly play a role, but it's wrong to think about displacing most of the "paperwork" in office environments. As Jordan Cohen (formerly of VoiceSignal, now of SRI International) points out in his interview in this issue, the way to succeed with speech technology is first to identify the market where it makes sense.

Let's remember the lessons from the Xerox Star. The Star was all about having a real-use context (office work) and identifying an appropriate set of user tasks. Phones are primarily about communicating using a variety of media (sound, images, text) and to an increasing extent about sharing and archiving those media. To support and augment those communication services, we need some knowledge of what's "in" those media, which is exactly a machine perception task. Furthermore, if phones are to provide other services (besides communication) to users, they also need to interpret the user's intent through whatever interfaces the phone possesses. I already remarked on users' toils with phone menus and buttons, while at the same time the phone is a beautifully evolved speech platform. Speech interfaces do indeed look like a great choice. They continue to improve in performance, but the state of the art is much better than people realize.

Until last year, like most HCI researchers, I was skeptical about the value of speech interfaces in HCI. But then I saw a Samsung phone (P207) shipping with large-vocabulary speech recognition and getting very good user reviews in all kinds of publications (including the hard-to-impress business market).

I also taught a class on medical technologies and had a chance to meet with many caregivers. There is already a large speech industry in medicine, and it is widely seen as one of the key technologies moving forward (it has probably already eclipsed "office ASR" and is a significant part of the speech recognition industry overall).

I had committed the cardinal sin of generalizing experience from a technology in one context (VUIs in the office) to its application in a different context. It's the technology-in-context complex that matters. ASR-on-phones and ASR-in-medicine are brand new markets. Their users don't know or care about the history of speech in the office. They just buy it and use it, and they either like it (so far, so good) or they don't.

My only direct experience with speech interfaces was with the burgeoning automated call-center industry, which had been quite bad. But after learning more about the state of the art (Randy Allen Harris's Voice Interaction Design or Blade Kotelly's The Art and Business of Speech Recognition are excellent guides), I realized that there are many superb examples of voice interface design. It's a lot like Web sites and GUIs in the 1980s. The practice of human-centered user interface design was not widely known back then, but as the HCI discipline grew both in academia and industry, best practices spread. Products that didn't follow a good user-centered process were quickly displaced by competitors that did. There is an excellent set of user-centered design practices for speech interfaces that are very similar to the practices for core HCI. As yet, they aren't widely adopted, but the differences between systems that follow them and those that don't are so striking that this cannot last forever.

It has also become clear that the recognition accuracy of the ASR part of the interface is not the limiting factor - it's the quality of the overall VUI design and the match of the application to its context. In other words, there's no reason to wait for future technical magic before using speech interfaces. You can write excellent ones now, assuming speech interaction fits your application context. (See the recent examples that appeared in the article "'Conversational' Isn't Always What You Think It Is" from Speech Technology Magazine, July/August 2003;

After these epiphanies, I moved a significant amount of activity in my group to speech and dialog-based interfaces (i.e., started four new projects). While there are very good practices in speech interface design today and many useful services that can be built with them, there are still significant challenges and room for improvement. Those limits have to do with the shared understanding between a human and a machine sharing a speech interface. This is why speech interfaces are also a rich research area. Much of the shared information is the context we have already been talking about, and all of the aforementioned projects are coupled with our work on context-awareness (for more information, see my home page,
A Word (or Two) about Privacy

Perceptual interfaces imply cameras, microphones, and other sensors capturing the user's behavior. Context-awareness implies high-level interpretation of that data, often in locations remote (in space and time) from where the data was captured. These are all hot buttons for privacy advocates. My group has been working on context-aware systems for eight years, and privacy has always been an issue. In fact, privacy in ubiquitous computing environments has become a major focus of our group, leading to six papers on the topic. There are a variety of approaches to the problem: better advice and consent interfaces for users, anonymization, and various forms of obfuscation (e.g., reducing the accuracy of location information). I have co-organized workshops on privacy at the Ubiquitous Computing conference for the past four years (UBICOMP 2002-2005), and these have provided a good overview of work in the area (all are available from my home page).
Machine perception is a difficult task and it "scales" poorly: as you increase the size of the speech vocabulary or the number of potential images, accuracy goes down.

The approach we have taken, and which we are now building into a context-aware prototype, is private computation. In a private computation, user data is cryptographically protected during the computation, and only the final result is revealed. For example, we are interested in the overlap between activities of knowledge workers. It's possible to infer this overlap by discovering similar keywords in users' e-mails to each other. Normally, doing pattern matching on full e-mail text would be extremely invasive, but the result of the pattern matching is often benign by itself (e.g., if users A and B share a common activity, we typically need only the most salient words or documents related to that activity). Private computation allows us to determine the end result - say, the set of documents related to the activity - without exposing any information at all about the data used to do the pattern matching.

Private computation is challenging to use for a variety of reasons, one of which has been high computational cost. Our most recent result, however, has reduced this by many orders of magnitude and allows privacy to be added to many context algorithms with essentially no computational overhead (accessible as Berkeley Technical Report UCB/EECS-2006-12 from This allows us to compute high-level context information, such as who is involved in an activity and how much (say, as a participation number between 0 and 1) without disclosing when and where the users were actually involved. Private computation provides much stronger privacy protection than anonymization - for example, e-mail with sender/receiver removed (anonymization) is hardly protected at all. Private computation requires some rather exotic techniques (zero-knowledge proofs), but we have built a Java toolkit that is available to others who would like to experiment with it.
Context-Awareness and Perception

Context-awareness and perception are really two sides of the same coin. Context-awareness involves interpreting other cues (besides user input) to figure out what a user wants. Many of these cues will require machine perception (is a user talking about food, is there traffic noise, is the sky overcast?). Conversely, machine perception is a difficult task and it "scales" poorly - as you increase the size of the speech vocabulary or the number of potential images to match for vision, accuracy goes down. The task becomes much easier when you add context data to the recognizer. In our research on face recognition, we were able to use available phone context data (time, place, event history) to improve recognition of faces from camera-phone images. In fact, face "recognition" using context data alone (i.e., predicting who's in the image without looking at it) was more accurate than a state-of-the-art face recognizer using computer vision. Putting computer vision and context together, though, does much better than either one alone.

Our work on voice interfaces is attempting to achieve similar gains by adding context data to speech recognition. We think the potential gains are even larger there. But there must be closer coupling between recognizer, the context data, and the application or service built on top of it. That brings us to what is realistically the biggest challenge to contextual and perceptual interfaces: bridging the barriers between the disciplines working on these technologies - specifically, HCI, speech recognition, and computer vision. It's a familiar story when there is a paradigm shift in a technology or market. While there are small communities working on the boundaries, most of the time recognizers are "black boxes" to interface developers. Conversely, folks working on recognition rarely pay attention to context or the applications that come later. We'll make some progress that way, but if we want a revolution, which the market is ready for, then we need to forget tribal allegiances and work together.

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

For the last few years I have been very interested in the one laptop-per-child program. The paragraphs below are about the interface for the laptops.

The desktop metaphor is so entrenched in personal computer users' collective consciousness that it is easy to forget what a bold and radical innovation the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was and how it helped free the computer from the “professionals” who were appalled at the idea of computing for everyone.

OLPC is about to revolutionize the existing concept of a computer interface.

Beginning with Seymour Papert's simple observation that children are knowledge workers like any adult, only more so, we decided they needed a user-interface tailored to their specific type of knowledge work: learning. So, working together with teams from Pentagram and Red Hat, we created SUGAR, a “zoom” interface that graphically captures their world of fellow learners and teachers as collaborators, emphasizing the connections within the community, among people, and their activities.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

July 17, 2008, 10:58 am
A Candy Store for the iPhone

You’re probably as sick of reading about the iPhone this week as I am of writing about it. But we’re not quite done.

The App Store–oh, man, the App Store. It’s a candy store, dude. It’s 550 free or cheap add-on programs that make the iPhone (or the iPod Touch) do absolutely amazing things…stunts a cellphone has no right to perform.

Nothing like the App Store has ever been attempted before. Sure, there are thousands of programs for the Mac, Windows, Palm organizers, Treos, BlackBerries and Windows Mobile phones–but there’s no single, centralized, utterly complete source of software for those platforms.

In the iPhone’s case, the App Store is the only place you can get new programs (at least without hacking your phone).

You hear people complaining about this approach, of course, some of which are legitimate: Apple’s taking a 30 percent cut of every program sold; Apple’s copy-protecting every program; Apple’s maintaining veto power over programs it doesn’t like (or that may compete with its products and services).

But there are some enormous benefits to this setup, too. First, the whole universe of software programs is in one place. Second, Apple says that it checks every program to make sure it runs decently (more on this in a moment).
Third, the store is beautifully integrated with the iPhone itself, making it fast, simple and idiot-proof to download and install new software morsels.

I haven’t been through all 550 programs yet. But I’ve already got some favorites.

Some are in the category I’d call Features the iPhone Doesn’t Have By Itself. For example:

* Radio. AOL Radio, for example, is a free program that delivers over 200 Internet radio stations, organized by musical genre. No charge. (The music stops when you switch to another program, but you can’t have everything.)

Or go for Pandora instead. Not only does it play free Internet radio, but you can hit Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons to rate the songs you’re hearing. Over time, Pandora sends you more and more of the kinds of songs you like, and fewer of the ones you don’t.

* Voice recording. The iPhone is a gadget with a microphone, speaker, and storage, but it can’t record lectures, concerts, notes to self, and so on–at least not without the assistance of Voice Record.

* Drawing program. Etch a Sketch: just what it says. Shake the iPhone to erase your drawing.

* Instant messaging. Now there’s an AIM program for the iPhone. A little buggy, but give it time.

* Video recording. The iPhone can take still pictures, but can’t capture video. Or at least not until iPhoneVideoRecorder comes along. It’s currently available only as a hack, but the company says that it will be listed in the App Store shortly.

I also love programs that exploit the iPhone’s features in a way that would never work on any other phone. For example:

* Remote. If you use your Mac or PC as a jukebox, playing your iTunes music collection, you’ll love this one. This amazing free program turns the iPhone into a Wi-Fi, whole-house remote control. It actually displays your playlists and album art–from your computer, elsewhere in the house–and lets you play, stop, change tracks, adjust volume, and so on.

* Shazam. Hold your iPhone up to a radio or TV that’s playing some pop song. Marvel as Shazam identifies the song, the band, and the album, and offers a one-tap way to buy it from iTunes. (Midomi is similar, except that you can actually hum or say the lyrics of a song to have it identified.)

* Super MonkeyBall, Cro-Mag Rally. A lot of iPhone games rely on the accelerometer (tilt sensor). That is, you tip and turn the whole phone to guide your monkey/race car/whatever through the course.

Finally, I just love goofy little apps like Rotary Dialer, which lets you actually dial your iPhone by sticking your finger into the onscreen holes of an old-style, rotary dial phone. Crazy Eye and Crazy Mouth kept my youngest son occupied just about forever.

Now, a lot of this stuff is sort of buggy. Some programs crash instantly (taking you back to your Home screen); some crash the whole iPhone (taking you back to the Apple logo as the thing restarts).

It’s a good idea to remember that you can force-quit a locked-up program by holding down the Home button for several seconds, or force-restart the whole iPhone by holding Home and the Sleep switch simultaneously until the phone restarts.

But that’s a small price to pay for the experience of watching this phone blossom into an entirely new class of machine.

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* Apple, iPhone, Software


* What Are the iPhone Apps?
* Questions -- a Baker's Dozen of Them -- About the iPhone Calling Plans
* Want to Buy an iPhone? Wait a Few Weeks
* Hello BlackBerry, Meet the iPhone

148 comments so far...


The irony is that if Microsoft attempted to lock all developers into an App Store for Windows Mobile devices, people would be screaming “Monopoly!” from the rooftops.

— Posted by Dale

Heard through a developer friend that there are another 4K apps in the cue awaiting Apple approval.

— Posted by PXLated

How about the new VNC client? Let’s you manage your Mac or PC from your iPhone. That’s crazy. one-vnc-client/

— Posted by David

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

February 13, 2008, 12:56 pm
Leopard’s Not So Spotty Anymore

When I reviewed Mac OS X 10.5, also known as Leopard, I had three complaints.

1. “Now, not all of Leopard’s features are slam-dunks. Take Stacks, for example. When you click the icon of a folder in the Dock (the row of quick-access icons at the bottom of the screen), you get to see its contents, arrayed as a fan or a grid of icons hovering in space… But if the folder is very full, the ’stack’ shows only some of its contents. (In previous Mac OS X versions, clicking a Dock folder produced a simple, but complete, menu of its contents.)”

2. “The most serious misstep in Leopard is its new, see-through menus… they’re much harder to read.”

3. “Otherwise, the only cause for pause is the usual minor set of 1.0 bugs, which Apple generally fixes with software updates following a major software release. I pushed my system hard for a week using the final Leopard software, and encountered occasional glitches with Spaces, automated syncing among Macs, and switching programs.”

Well, on Monday, Apple fired off a 180-megabyte update, version 10.5.2, that addresses those issues — and hundreds more. For example, it dealt with my three beefs above (which weren’t mine alone by any means):

1. Each folder on the Dock now has a shortcut menu that lets you choose to display its contents as the traditional (and more useful) menu of its contents, rather than a Stack.

2. A new checkbox (in the Desktop & Screen Saver panel of System Preferences) lets you turn off menu translucence. It makes the menu bar completely opaque, as it used to be. The drop-down menus themselves are still slightly transparent, but less so than before; see-through text from the window behind the menu is no longer a problem.

3. The glitches I’ve lived with for four months are finally gone.

Now, every software company ships its products with known bugs. This was an extreme example, though — Apple knew from its programmers that Leopard wasn’t quite fully baked, and shipping it that way wasn’t very thoughtful to the faithful early adopters.

Still. I’m delighted to see that now, at least, Leopard is now the sharp, snappy cat it should have been all along.

* Comments (60)

I know it wasn’t perfect, but if you had told me to wait until now to have Leopard, I would have told you to go somewhere a bit unpleasant.

Even with the faults, the positives outweigh the negatives by a magnitude, Time Machine alone has saved my and others’ bacon in the last four months!

Well done Apple - because after 14 months Vista has its original bugs!

— Posted by Jon T

Nice post David.

We are very happy with Leopard and with Apple and our new Macs in general. Wrote about it here: -window.html

— Posted by Jim

I’m glad for the update, but I’m disappointed that the two most bothersome bugs (for me) still haven’t been fixed.

#1 - In the Mail program, the new mail audio alert (the chime that you *should* hear when new mail comes in) doesn’t always work. It seems that not everyone experiences this, but it’s been documented by enough people in a number of forums that it is a genuine issue and not simply a fluke.

#2 - Full screen playback in QuickTime is choppy, regardless of the resolution of the video being played. It’s fine in when played in the QuickTime window, even if it’s been expanded to maximum size. It’s only in full screen that the video gets choppy. This wasn’t an issue in Tiger, and VLC still does just fine at full screen.

— Posted by Daren

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

February 7, 2008, 11:19 am
Designing What’s Right for Consumers

You might think that digital picture frames would not be especially hard to review. After all, what’s so difficult? You plug it in, you turn it on. (And that’s if it has an on/off switch at all, which most of them don’t.)

But creating my roundup in The Times today was brutal, truly brutal. For one thing, there were seven frames to test. Second, there were a million features to test on each one (pictures from memory card, pictures from U.S.B. flash drive, pictures from the PC, pictures by e-mail, pictures from the Web, text messages from the Web, videos, MP3 file playback, and so on). And third, nothing is more nightmarish to set up than wireless home networking equipment, and that’s just what most of these frames were.

One of the frames, the eStarling, is now in a second version. The first, which debuted last year, was so unreliable that the company sent every single customer a free 2.0 frame when it came out. As I was researching this frame, I came across an interview online with the eStarling’s chastened head honcho, Andrew Caffey.

“We learned deeply a few hard lessons,” he said. “Consumer electronics is a very difficult business. It’s difficult to get it right.”

I can’t get that quote out of my head. I’ve never heard anything so absurd. It is not hard to get technology right!

Maybe this particular guy is rightness challenged. Or maybe he meant that getting things right takes time, money and effort, which is true.

But it sounds like he’s saying that it’s hard to know what’s right in product design, and he’ll never convince me of that. A ten-year old could have identified the design flaws in the frames I tested this week.

And so, I’ll bet, can you. Using this one small example — digital picture frames — let’s see how you do playing Designing What’s Right.

Question 1: Which is right: to build in a power switch (as on the frames from Kodak and iMate), so you can turn the frame off at night? Or to omit the power switch, so that your customers have to crawl on the floor to unplug the whole thing (as on the eStarling and others)?

Question 2: Which is the right design for a Wi-Fi frame: to display the names of available wireless networks on the screen (Kodak and iMate Momento)? Or to require you to connect the frame to a computer with a U.S.B. cord, download a piece of network-sniffing software from a Web site, and use that to display the names of available networks (like the eStarling)?

Question 3: Which is right on a Bluetooth frame: to include instructions for pairing your phone right in the instruction booklet (Parrot)? Or to omit it from the user guide, and instead print it on a separate photocopied sheet in the box, like an afterthought, explaining that feature (eMotion)?

Question 4: Which is right: To integrate Bluetooth right into the frame (Parrot, eMotion), or to require an external Bluetooth dongle that hangs off the frame (PanDigital)?

Question 5: Which is right: To print your tech-support phone number right in the user manual (Parrot)? Or to offer no phone support at all (Momento)?

Question 6: Which is the right font size for the user guide: 10-point (Kodak) or 7-point (Parrot)?

Question 7: Which is right way to design the frame’s leg (which holds it up on the desk): so that it folds away into the back when not required (Kodak)? Or as a separate plastic piece that has to be hand-snapped onto the back — and, when the frame is hung, has to be stored and tracked (most others)?

Question 8: Which is right: To build a little pocket for the remote control in the back of the frame, so you won’t lose it (Kodak, Momento)? Or not to bother, forcing you to leave it on the desk amid the clutter for the rest of the frame’s life (the others)?

Question 9: Which is the right operating-system compatibility for a Wi-Fi frame that can access the pictures on your computer: Windows only (Kodak, Momento)? Or both Mac and Windows (none)?

Question 10: Which is the right way to label the jacks and buttons: White lettering on black (or vice versa), white on white (Momento), or with no text labels at all (eStarling)?

I’m pretty sure you scored 10 out of 10 on this little exercise. So I think we’ve established that it’s easy to know what’s right.

The only question, then, is why manufacturers don’t actually bother doing what’s right. I’m sure they have all kinds of excuses for compromise: “That would cost money,” “That would set us back a month,” “That would limit sales in Eastern Europe,” whatever.

But you don’t have to have an M.B.A. to understand that refusing to compromise on design, for any reason, can lead to fantastic commercial success. Look at Apple, Google, Sonos, R.I.M. (makers of the BlackBerry), or (in its glory days) Palm.

So what goes through the minds of executives who don’t sweat the small stuff? Don’t they realize that critics and bloggers will find and publicize the limitations? Don’t they realize that customers nowadays can compare notes, can warn each other away? And in a crowded field like digital frames, why on earth can’t they see that the only way to differentiate is to be better than the other guys?

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

I find the comments on these articles quite helpful at times.

April 9, 2008, 11:19 pm
A Simple E-Mail Design Idea

A good idea from a reader:

David, I had the simplest of ideas for helping people avoid “Reply-All” nightmares (where you humiliate yourself by clicking Reply to All, blasting your response to a huge group, instead of just Reply). E-mail programs like Outlook or Apple Mail should just not put the Reply-All button anywhere near the regular Reply button!

Visually, when the two are so close to each other, it’s easy to mistakenly click the wrong one. But if you had to go down into, say, the bottom-right corner to find the Reply-All button, that would likely jar you enough so that you wouldn’t make an error.

Hope that someone implements this some day soon!

(To which I add: Or how about, at the very least, requiring that you press a key, like Shift, as you click the Reply button to change it to “Reply to All”?)

To which I say (perhaps self-righteously) that those that use the mouse to send mail deserve all the pain and agony they get. At least in Outlook, pressing CTRL-r will reply to the current message, and SHIFT-CTRL-r will reply to all the current message. There’s the shift key you were looking for.

Keep your hands on the keyboard. Eschew applications that don’t let you use keyboard shortcuts for all activities. Or at least the most common ones!

— Posted by Randy

You can customize Apple’s Mail toolbar, at least, any way you want.

— Posted by Joe
April 9th,
11:43 pm

“Are you sure you want to reply to all?”
press cancel or OK

— Posted by chewbee

HCI Forum topic DISS 720

I thought this was an interesting issue for the HCI class.