Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HCI Forum Topic DISS 720

HCID ran a virtual seminar (funded by ESRC in conjunction with the ESRC festival of Social Science event) in Second Life to discuss Social Learning in Virtual Worlds. The event took place on the 13th of March in the EMERGE island in Second Life. This was followed by a face-to-face workshop in our Interaction Lab on the 14th of March.

I think about 30-40 people participated in the virtual event and an additional 20 in the face-to-face workshop. I was facilitating the discussion and it was a very interesting experience! For instance, I was struggling a lot on a simple issue like turn taking. In the end I hardly looked at the 3D world because I was too busy tracking who raised their hands on the chatting windows! So much talk about social presence in virtual worlds!


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